A total of 42 Boats and 65 Anglers competed over the 2 day event.

Thank you to everyone who came out to fish and to all our wonderful sponsors both here in the Florida Keys and throughout the industry. We truly appreciate your support of this fun event!

Grand Champion – Spin

Russell Campbell

Capt Scott Collins

692 points

Grand Champion – Fly

Scott Christian

Capt. Chad Huff

719 points

  • Largest fish on fly ever in the tournament history

Largest Barracuda – Fly

Scott Christian

Capt. Chad Huff

52 inches

Largest Barracuda – Spin

Russell Campbell

Capt Scott Collins

130 cm

First Runner-Up Spin

Michael Snoeck

Capt. Luke Kelly

640 points

First Runner-Up Fly

John Chinuntdet

Capt. Justin Rea

640 Points

Runner Up – Spin

Jacob Gravett

Capt. Doug Kilpatrick

638 Points

Runner Up Fly

Dave Chouinard

Capt. Greg Peterson

573 Points

Top Lady Angler

Erica Poole

Capt. Bo Sellers

537 Points

Ben Gravett Team Trophy

Jacob & Ty Gravett

Capt. Doug Kilpatrick

1,266 points combined

Top Junior Angler

Brody Skrumbellos

Joe Skrumbellos (Dad)

579 Points

First Fish of the Tournament


John Chinuntdet

Capt. Justin Rea

Last Fish of the Tournament

Collin del Bosque

Capt. Scott Irvine



Individual Angler Scoring

AnglerGUIDESpinSpinSpinFlyFlyFlyDay 1 TotalSpinSpinSpinFlyFlyFlyDay 2 TotalFinal
Bell, LynnRob Kramarz119.00112.00    231.00111.00     111342
Blumberg, AnitaDave Denkert               
Blumberg, KalmanDave Denkert               
Bortner, BenNick LaBadie   96.00108.00108.00312.00   108.0094.00 202.00514.00
Bozzetti, DomIvar Bolander110.00     110.00       110.00
Campbell, RussellScott Collins130.00119.00117.00   366.00104.00110.00111.00   326.00692.00
Chinuntdet, JohnJustin Rea   107.00113.00110.00330.00   103.00101.00106.00310.00640.00
Chouinard, DaveGreg Peterson   97.0088.00101.00286.00   92.0099.0096.00287.00573.00
Christian, ScottChad Huff   133.00105.00122.00360.00   126.00119.00114.00359.00719.00
Correia, BrianSteve Hancock93.0083.00    176.00       176.00
Cosgrove, EricJohn Hoover       92.00114.00    206206.00
Cosgrove, PJJohan Vanniewland99.0098.00102.00   299.0084.00     84.00383.00
del Bosque, TomScott Irvine114.00109.00    223.0096.0077.00    173.00396.00
Fish, BrentIvar Bolander       81.00     81.0081.00
Friedman, SteveSteve Friedman       103.00     103.00103.00
Gable, DonDon Dable              0
Gable, ShawnDon Gable   91.00117.0091.00299.00       299.00
Gravett, JacobDoug Kilpatrick110.00107.00104.00   321.00100.00104.00113.00   317.00638.00
Gravett, MattBob Paulson101.0090.0094.00   285.00107.00109.00102.00   318.00603.00
Gravett, TyDoug Kilpatrick99.00104.00107.00   308.00107.00112.00101.00   320.00628.00
Hamlin, DaveMax Hamlin106.00112.00    218.00       218.00
Hancock, Steve               0.00
Harbin, Jerry                0.00
Hawkins, TroyIan Slater   100.00101.00 201.00       201.00
Katski, TravisMike Odell   79.0078.0091.00248.00   92.00  92.00340.00
Kaufman, RobNicolas Calabro          87.00  87.0087.00
Knoles, RichSandy Horn              0.00
Knowles, JimMike Bartlett          87.00  87.0087.00
Linderman, KevinMitchell Duggar              0.00
Lowe, RyanBrian Lariviere108.00     108.00       108.00
Lynch, KristenGrif Helwig95.00108.00110.00   313.00118.00100.00    218.00531.00
Lynch, MichelGrif Helwig       111.00     111.00111.00
Mascolo, J. SilvioJohan Vanniewland97.0091.0076.00   264.0092.00     92.00356.00
Masters, JackMax Hamlin   103.00  103.00       103.00
Matheny, KimberlyJerry Harbin              0.00
Mayberry, WadeAlbert Ponzoa108.0085.0094.00   287.0096.0090.00119.00   305.00592.00
McCosh, SeanBob Beighley88.00101.00110.00   299.0092.0081.00    173.00416.00
McDonnell, IanShane Smith101.00     101.00       101.00
McDonnell, MikeShane Smith99.0099.00    198.00     198
Murphy, TonyBrandon Cyr 90.00105.0098.00293.00 80.0085.0096.00261554
Peterson, ChaseMike O'Brien82.00     82.00       82.00
Peterson, CraigMike O'Brien77.00     77.00       77.00
Poole, EricaBo Sellers105.0094.00122.00   321.00108.00108.00    216.00537.00
Pusateri, AdamChris Wilson104.00     104.0097.00106.00    203.00307.00
Quinn, JoeShane Wood117.0099.0094.00   310.00114.0099.00107.00   320.00630.00
Robbins, EricBob Beighley92.0061.00    92.0095.00     95.00248.00
Schauer, DanChris Wilson113.00107.00    220.0098.0099.00107.00   304.00524
Searcy, JeffBrandon Cyr   112.00110.00101.00323.00   87.00  87.00410.00
Sellers, CharliBo Sellers106.00110.00    216.0067.00     67283
Sexton, JustinColby Hane   123.00  123.00       123.00
Shaw, BrennaBrian Lariviere              0.00
Skrumbellos, BrodyJoe Skrumbellos105.00111.0085.00   301.00101.0080.0097.00   278579
Smith, Matt John Hoover       91.00     91.0091.00
Snoeck, MichaelLuke Kelly111.00106.00108.00   325.00104.00103.00108.00   315640
Sparks, SherriSteve Friedman      0.00102.00     102.00102.00
Steward, DaltonMitchell Duggar              0.00
Stoker, RobertAlex Zapata102.00107.00    209.00100.0091.00117.00   308.00517
Susca, MattDrue Eymann          77.00105.00 182182
Sutherland, RoboBear Holeman112.00105.00    217.00       217.00
Sutherland, W.R.Bear Holeman114.00     114.00122.00     122.00236.00
Tacoma, RayMark Johnson              0.00
Taverner, KevinJamie Connell78.00     78.00       78.00
Ware, TimBob Paulson105.00     105.0092.00110.0099.00   301.00406.00
Whiting, JeffAaron Snell          113.00120.00 233233
del Bosque, CollinScott Irvine103.00111.00102.00   316.0092.00109.00    201.00517.00

Team Award Contenders (Boats with 2 anglers and a guide)

AnglerGUIDESpinSpinSpinFlyFlyFlyDay 1 TotalSpinSpinSpinFlyFlyFlyDay 2 TotalFinal
Sutherland, RoboBear Holeman112.00105.00    217.00       217.00
Sutherland, W.R. 114.00     114.00122.00     122.00236.00
               TEAM TOTAL453.00
Poole, EricaBo Sellers105.0094.00122.00   321.00108.00108.00    216.00537.00
Sellers, Charli 106.00110.00    216.0067.00     67283
               TEAM TOTAL820.00
McCosh, SeanBob Beighley88.00101.00110.00   299.0092.0081.00    173.00416.00
Robbins, Eric 92.0061.00    92.0095.00     95.00248.00
               TEAM TOTAL664.00
Gravett, MattBob Paulson101.0090.0094.00   285.00107.00109.00102.00   318.00603.00
Ware, Tim 105.00     105.0092.00110.0099.00   301.00406.00
               TEAM TOTAL1009.00
Murphy, TonyBrandon Cyr   90.00105.0098.00293.00 #########261554
Searcy, Jeff    112.00110.00101.00323.00   ###  87.00410.00
               TEAM TOTAL964.00
Lowe, RyanBrian Lariviere108.00             108.00
Shaw, Brenna               0.00
Pusateri, AdamChris Wilson104.00     104.0097.00106.00    203.00307.00
Schauer, Dan                
Gravett, JacobDoug Kilpatrick110.00107.00104.00   321.00100.00104.00113.00   317.00638.00
Gravett, Ty 99.00104.00107.00   308.00107.00112.00101.00   320.00628.00
               TEAM TOTAL1266.00
Lynch, KristenGrif Helwig95.00108.00110.00   313.00118.00100.00    218.00531.00
Lynch, Michel        111.00     111.00111.00
               TEAM TOTAL642.00
Bozzetti, DomIvar Bolander               
Fish, Brent       81.00      81.0081.00
Cosgrove, PJJohan Vanniewland99.0098.00102.00   299.0084.00     84.00383.00
Mascolo, J. Silvio 97.0091.0076.00   264.0092.00     92.00356.00
               TEAM TOTAL739.00
Cosgrove, EricJohn Hoover      92.00114.00     206206.00
Smith, Matt         91.00     91.0091.00
              TEAM TOTAL297.00
Hamlin, DaveMax Hamlin106.00112.00    218.00       218.00
Masters, Jack    103.00  103.00       103.00
               TEAM TOTAL321.00
Peterson, ChaseMike O'Brien82.00             82.00
Peterson, Craig 77.00             77.00
               TEAM TOTAL159.00
Linderman, KevinMitchell Duggar               
Steward, Dalton                
del Bosque, CollinScott Irvine103.00111.00102.00   316.0092.00109.00    201.00517.00
del Bosque, Tom 114.00109.00    223.0096.0077.00    173.00396.00
McDonnell, IanShane Smith101.00     101.00       101.00
McDonnell, Mike 99.0099.00    198.00       198